
+ How do we use EUTHABAG? Is there a training guide?

Yes! Here is the EUTHABAG User Training Guide.

+ What is EUTHABAG used for?

EUTHABAG has been designed as a more respectful alternative to replace the plastic garbage bags currently being used to transport, cremate or bury beloved companions.

+ Is EUTHABAG biodegradable?

Most animals will be cremated and not buried.

Here is why:

  1. A deceased animals skeleton may persist for decades or more and should be contained as it can be a health threat to scavenging and wild animals. Some jurisdictions prohibit burial altogether or require burial in a non-biodegradable bag.

  2. Pet remains can be accidentally dug up by unsuspecting individuals or animals. It is important that remains are contained to avoid these situations.

  3. Some families exhume their pet’s body when they move. It’s easier and more aesthetic if contained. The remains can be safely cremated in a EUTHABAG*.

*Blankets are commonly used, but they are non-biodegradable and can alter the remains

Our primary concern for the environment is that the bag contains no heavy metals or chemicals that can contaminate the soil. It is for this reason that the material we use is post-consumer recycles material (PCRM) and not industrial-recycles material, which can contain contaimnants.

More plastic is available on the market than what we can use. We believe EUTHABAG is a good way to reuse this plastic that is already in our environment.

It is important to note that several animal burial products on the market have claimed to be comprised of "Biodegradable matter", which is often comprised of transgenic corn starch and unfortunately, deals extensively with pesticides. Additionally, these fabrics will not be as tough/resistant as those used for EUTHABAG.

+ Can EUTHABAG be cremated/buried?

Yes, it was designed with cremation and burial in mind. EUTHABAG is supported by crematoriums as it burns faster than the traditional plastic trash bags and due to the recycled material content, it emits no toxic chemicals into the environment.

When EUTHABAG is buried, it will stay intact for many years. However, small holes will form allowing for necrophagous insects to do their job and help decompose the remains.

Visit the ECOLOGY page for more information on current studies.

+ Can EUTHABAG be used for Aquamation (alkaline hydrolysis)?

EUTHABAG will remain intact after aquamation. It is used for transportation to the facility.

After aquamation, the bag can be washed and recycled.

+ Can EUTHABAG be reused?

Technically, yes. However, they were designed for one-time use. EUTHABAG was designed to be practical, to avoid the extra logistics of having to wash and dry a bag and it is composed of recycled material to reduce the impact on the environment. Pet owners might also have a negative perception of their animal placed in a reused body bag.

+ How can EUTHABAG be a no-cost solution for our practice?

For only a marginal extra amount (1-4%), EUTHABAG can be incorporated into the cost of euthanasia, and therefore, at no additional cost to you. The average cost of EUTHABAG is $8, as we see more small bags than giant bags.

+ Can I order just ONE Bag?

Yes! You can order from all over Canada and on Ma Zone Québec.

+ What packaging does EUTHABAG come in?

Each size (except XS which comes in a plastic package) comes in a compact & stackable box, with a perforated opening for easy removal.

  • Size Small 20 units (13" x 10" x 7")
  • Size Medium 8 units (15" x 10" x 6")
  • Size Large 8 units (15" x 10" x 7.5")
  • Size Extra Large 5 units (14" x 11.5" x 7")